
Moffat CAN and GROW ALLOT - Your city CAN too!

Moffat CAN is a community-owned company and charity. Our aims are environmental protection, relief of poverty and, especially, carbon reduction. CAN stands for Carbon approaching Neutral.
CAN's project is GROW ALLOT. Greatly Reduce/Re-use/Recycle Our Waste and Lead Local Organic Trade, Grow Allot, is a holistic project which sees us launch an organic community garden, allotments, and establish a recycling service, while restoring a church in the process. From 2011 onwards we will be continuing to develop as a social enterprise creating green jobs, work experience and training.

And it has a very nice website: LINK

Top Ten Reasons - To Buy Local

Community through Collective Productive Activity

Above all, he sees human beings as creatures who have a fundamental need to express and develop themselves through labour or productive activity; as essentially communal creatures who seek to produce collectively; and as rational creatures who ideally should be able to organize their collective productive activity for themselves. So our real interests lie in collectively controlling our labouring activity. This picture is in fact a descendant of Kant's vision of freedom. ...vision of collective liberation, the ideal of collectively organizing our social existence for ourselves.

From the book:

Philosophy goes to the movies: an introduction to philosophy